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Sponsering In Syria


Jun 25, 2009
I want to go to Syria to get married to someone. I am not Syrian nor have I ever been there.

Can someone help me with the process and difficulties I will face sponsoring him and how long with it take?

Thank you very much in advance.


VIP Member
Oct 11, 2008
Job Offer........

1. Sponsoring your spouce from syria, after marriage, will not be so difficult, if you meet all requirements satisfactorily, as stipulated in the CIC website:


2. I recommend you to go through the discussions in this forum under the topic
" Damascus processing " or see topic with "Damascus", which may give you lot of information about spouce processing timelines etc...


Star Member
Aug 30, 2008
Hi Hanna,
how difficult it will be to sponsor your new husband will depend on may things. Some of them could include:
both of your backgrounds - are you both the same religion, cutural background?
how did you meet/decided to marry - was it a tradition "arranged" marriage inline with your culture.
how long have you known each other before marriage
how often/for what lenght of time have you spent together face to face?

Usually if it is a tradition marriage in accordance with cutural and religious norms it takes under 6 month. If like us, you do not fit into these norms you could have a long wait. My suggestion would not to take anything for granted. Proof, proof and more proof that your marriage is legit. Pictures, emails, chats, letters, cards, letters of reference from employeers, friends, family all will help.

Good luck!