Hi glassdoor12,Hello,
I have a question regarding South Korean police certificates.
The IRCC website states for South Korean police certificates: "Police certificates must indicate that all records have been searched, including any lapsed records (실효된 형 포함)"
The certificate I received looks like this one "https://taffytoffy.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/criminal-records-check-reply11.png?w=640". The certificate states it is "for confirmation of investigation card materials (including lapsed of criminal sentences" but does not specifically state that all records have been checked.
Is this a concern? Does anyone know what the certificates look like that have been approved in the past, and does it specifically state that all records have been checked?
Thank you.
I just wanna ask do you have any update about this? Did CIC accept this document. They are asking my partner as well to send this but no way to find where to start since we don’t know anyone in Korea anymore. I heard they need the criminal investigation record check that all records have been checked. So, did yours accepted by CIC?
Thanks in advance.