I have a very urgent question regarding Korean police certificate. CIC instructions are very confusing. CIC asks for criminal records(including lapsed criminal sentences), investigation records (범죄경력(실효된 형 포함), 수사경력). Even Korean consulate in Vancouver did not know exactly what should be done to get this. I already have a PC but it doesn't have lapsed records.
It seems this version of the certificate including the lapsed sentences are only issued inside Korea. Korean consulate in Vancouver told me I can send a power of attorney document to a friend inside Korea and he can get it for me. I am not sure besides this POA certificate, is there anything else ( like a filled application form) which I have to send to my friend.
The Korean police website is in Korean 100% and I have no clue what to do?
Is there anyone here who did this before. I appreciate your help.
I have only 30 days left to submit my application. Getting nervous.
I feel very stressed about this. Thanks for your help in advance
I have a very urgent question regarding Korean police certificate. CIC instructions are very confusing. CIC asks for criminal records(including lapsed criminal sentences), investigation records (범죄경력(실효된 형 포함), 수사경력). Even Korean consulate in Vancouver did not know exactly what should be done to get this. I already have a PC but it doesn't have lapsed records.
It seems this version of the certificate including the lapsed sentences are only issued inside Korea. Korean consulate in Vancouver told me I can send a power of attorney document to a friend inside Korea and he can get it for me. I am not sure besides this POA certificate, is there anything else ( like a filled application form) which I have to send to my friend.
The Korean police website is in Korean 100% and I have no clue what to do?
Is there anyone here who did this before. I appreciate your help.
I have only 30 days left to submit my application. Getting nervous.
I feel very stressed about this. Thanks for your help in advance