I meant the checklist form:
You have to write a separate letter for Statment of purpose (aka study Plan, Cover Letter, SOP) which have to answer to the following questions below.
These are questions which I have under my checklist form (UAE)
Study plan
Please submit a one page study plan which answers the following questions and includes any other information
relevant to the processing of your application:
• Why do you wish to study in Canada in the program for which you have been accepted?
• What is your overall educational goal?
• Why are you not pursuing a similar program in your country of residence/citizenship?
• What research have you done into studies in your country of residence/citizenship?
• How will this program enhance your employment opportunities in your country of residence/citizenship?
• What ties do you have to your country of residence/citizenship?
• In the case of a minor applicant, what are your reasons for studying in Canada? What is your
parents’/guardians’ immigration status in their current country of residence?
• Provide details of your education history – dates when the course started and ended, the name and
address of the school, the course taken, qualification/degree/certificate awarded for the course