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Some questions about IMM5540 and IMM1344


Feb 26, 2016
Hello everyone!
My partner and I are planning to move to Canada later this year. She is planning to study for her PhD there and I'm going back to be closer to my mom. We're currently in the UK. She's an Italian citizen.

First question, since it takes 18 months to process an outland application, can she still enter with a student visa before the decision date? Those two should be independent of each other right?

In IMM1344, it's asking for the date of when I was naturalized. I was naturalized in 1998 when I was 13. I don't remember the exact date. Is this important or approximation fine? It's also asking for a UCI/ClientId, which I have no idea what it is. But that field is not required.

In IMM5540
It's asking for the date and visa office of permanent residency. Again, I don't know what the exact date was. I know what date I landed in Canada because there's a stamp in my original passport. Is that enough?

Concerning the "details of your plans to re-establish yourself in Canada", I'm not really sure what they're asking for. Can someone explain to me what they want? Do they want my reasoning of going back? Plans on what I'm going to do in Canada? ???

At the end, it says on a separate sheet of paper, provide any additional details on your current relationship to prove that your relationship is genuine" What sort of details are they looking for?

IMM 5409
Why is asking a "to" date in the conjugal relationship date?


Hero Member
Jun 18, 2015
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Hi! I can answer some of these.

Yes the applications are independent of one another.

The UCI is if you are already a CIC client, like if you've applied for something with them in the past. Leave it blank if you don't have one.

The "plans to re-establish yourself in Canada" means they want proof that you will be moving to Canada. Something like proof of property in Canada or a job offer would be what they're looking for.

The relationship proof can be lots of stuff. Photos, chats/emails, marriage certificate/proof of wedding if you are married, joint lease/bank account/utility bills if you are common-law. Anything that proves your relationship is genuine, ongoing, and "marriage-like".

Are you trying to apply under the conjugal partner class? I can tell you right now that you will get rejected unless your application is exceptional. The conjugal class is for people who are prevented from getting married or living together due to things like gay marriage laws or other unavoidable barriers. You should either get married or live together for one year so you can apply under common law.


VIP Member
Oct 22, 2013
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You'll find that the processing time is much shorter than 18 months. Check the Outland UK thread to get an idea of how quickly people are landing (~ 8 months).

I agree that a Conugal Partner application will not be approved. Hopefully you have lived together for at least one year (with proof) and qualify as a Common-Law couple.


Feb 26, 2016
Yes sorry, the question was from the common law declaration form. Unrelated to the conjugal class. The exact words from the Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union form are

... solemnly declare that we have cohabited in a conjugal relationship for ___ continuous year(s) from _______ to _______
Do I just put today's date in the last date field?

RE: Proof of me returning to Canada. I will probably not have a job offer or any property by the time I go back... I'm currently I'm working over the internet and plan to do so in the future. Anything else that can be used for this?