plz guide me
« on: March 20, 2010, 02:46:01 pm »
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My Points:
Work experience
For last 10 years)
Computer Programmer 2174 2 years but less then 3 (17 points if i write)
Computer Instructor 4131 1 year but less than 2
Software Engineer 2173 1 year but less then 2 (15 points if i wrie)
Network Administrator 2281 2 years but less then 3
Write all of these or choose only one.
Spouse Edu=3
Plz members guide me which is better to accept
Write all of them , work experience count if wok experience falls under skill 0 ,A and B show hee 4 years more .May be award 21 is it right or wrong
« on: March 20, 2010, 02:46:01 pm »
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My Points:
Work experience
Computer Programmer 2174 2 years but less then 3 (17 points if i write)
Computer Instructor 4131 1 year but less than 2
Software Engineer 2173 1 year but less then 2 (15 points if i wrie)
Network Administrator 2281 2 years but less then 3
Write all of these or choose only one.
Spouse Edu=3
Plz members guide me which is better to accept
Write all of them , work experience count if wok experience falls under skill 0 ,A and B show hee 4 years more .May be award 21 is it right or wrong