KarenAnne said:
Hi Miki: Did you ever get an answer to your question about if you need an affidavit for EACH document translated or will one affidavt be suffice for all. I have spoke to CIC twice and got two different answers from them. First answer was: You need an affidavit for EACH document translated. The next day I called CIC and got the second answer: One affidavit "should be" ok.
Please let me know if you found anything out.
OMG this should be so easy for CIC to give us this advice, but two different answers in two days is NOT acceptable.
Hi KarenAnne (or Karen-Anne or Karen & Anne? :

Short answer: one affidavit per language.
Long answer ;D
: I sent my application including one affidavit per language (I did have two language translations in my application additionally to the english documents). Each affidavit did have a list of all document that it relates to stated on the first page (with all the signatures, statements and stamps) and it did have all copies of the translated and original documents attached to it. It was quite difficult to get the translation company to do it right (at least here in the UK) as they normally (so they say) do not work with affidavits. I provided them with info how I would like to have the affidavits done (according to the CIO rules) and after some corrections it was done to my likings. Remember, the affidavit must be sworn in front of a solicitor/public notary by the translator.
Btw. (and most importantly), my application was accepted with the affidavits as I received a PER only 63 days after it was received by the CIO ;D
Please let me know if you need any more help.