Some interesting information lately about how CIC may handle skilled worker application in 2013.
In an earlier thread I said that with the new rules for Skilled workers, that basically there had to be a new "list of qualifying occupations" I may be wrong and have to eat my words with some of the information that is now appearing.
Jason Kenney tweeted earlier that there would not be a "list" which seems strange, but there is a report from an Ontario Government Round Table which released it's report on 05/10/12. One of the interesting sections is:
"The province working with the federal government in designing the Expression of Interest (EOI) model of immigration which the federal government has recently announced that it intends to implement. This model, which is currently in use in New Zealand, adds a preliminary application phase whereby those seeking to immigrate to Canada submit an EOI that contains their personal information to the Canadian government, and immigration authorities invite the most promising EOI applicants to submit a full application along with proof of qualifications."
I found the following Kenney quote of EOI from April/12.
"Don’t you think we owe it to those people to be up front about their chances in Canada? And finally, we intimated in the budget that we will be working towards something like a system based on what we call an ‘expression of interest,’ where applicants will eventually go into a large pool of qualified immigration applicants for Canada, giving us their consent to share their applications with employers and indeed provincial governments ,so that those employers can come into the pool of qualified immigrant applicants and do their international labour recruitment from within that pool. "
So maybe everyone with 67 points will be able to apply with experience in NOC A, B or O as FSW, but only the cream will be skimmed from the top? Similar to Australia's proposal
"The Skilled Migrant Selection Register
The Australian Government has decided on a major reform in the way Australia selects skilled migrants,
the Skilled Migrant Selection Register (SkillSelect). SkillSelect will build upon and draw together the suite of reforms to the skilled migration program over the past three years. In doing so it will deliver the skills Australia needs by matching the best and brightest migrants to the available places in the migration program.
SkillSelect will be an electronic system based upon a two-stage process. Prospective applicants first submit claims for skilled migration through an online EOI and subsequently may be invited to make a visa application. This is a significant change from the current situation, as applicants for independent or state or territory sponsored migration will be required to receive an invitation in order to lodge a visa application.
Once invited, SkillSelect will ensure a match between the number of applicants and the number of available program places. This will result in streamlined processing times."
I guess that we shall have to wait and see.
Some interesting information lately about how CIC may handle skilled worker application in 2013.
In an earlier thread I said that with the new rules for Skilled workers, that basically there had to be a new "list of qualifying occupations" I may be wrong and have to eat my words with some of the information that is now appearing.
Jason Kenney tweeted earlier that there would not be a "list" which seems strange, but there is a report from an Ontario Government Round Table which released it's report on 05/10/12. One of the interesting sections is:
"The province working with the federal government in designing the Expression of Interest (EOI) model of immigration which the federal government has recently announced that it intends to implement. This model, which is currently in use in New Zealand, adds a preliminary application phase whereby those seeking to immigrate to Canada submit an EOI that contains their personal information to the Canadian government, and immigration authorities invite the most promising EOI applicants to submit a full application along with proof of qualifications."
I found the following Kenney quote of EOI from April/12.
"Don’t you think we owe it to those people to be up front about their chances in Canada? And finally, we intimated in the budget that we will be working towards something like a system based on what we call an ‘expression of interest,’ where applicants will eventually go into a large pool of qualified immigration applicants for Canada, giving us their consent to share their applications with employers and indeed provincial governments ,so that those employers can come into the pool of qualified immigrant applicants and do their international labour recruitment from within that pool. "
So maybe everyone with 67 points will be able to apply with experience in NOC A, B or O as FSW, but only the cream will be skimmed from the top? Similar to Australia's proposal
"The Skilled Migrant Selection Register
The Australian Government has decided on a major reform in the way Australia selects skilled migrants,
the Skilled Migrant Selection Register (SkillSelect). SkillSelect will build upon and draw together the suite of reforms to the skilled migration program over the past three years. In doing so it will deliver the skills Australia needs by matching the best and brightest migrants to the available places in the migration program.
SkillSelect will be an electronic system based upon a two-stage process. Prospective applicants first submit claims for skilled migration through an online EOI and subsequently may be invited to make a visa application. This is a significant change from the current situation, as applicants for independent or state or territory sponsored migration will be required to receive an invitation in order to lodge a visa application.
Once invited, SkillSelect will ensure a match between the number of applicants and the number of available program places. This will result in streamlined processing times."
I guess that we shall have to wait and see.