mayurpatel said:
I am so much confused regarding SINP 100-1 form ....I also receive email from SINP to send this form and some other docs of my spouse ...can any body guide how to fill this form ,....and what version of form we should fill and send to them anybody have already filled this form then they can share it some sample would be so much help full to all of us...
Hello Mayurpatel,
I checked the form SINP-100-1 it seems that there is no revision number. So you can use the link below.
Here is how I filled it up
On page 1 --- You need to check the box for skilled worker/Professional
then you can see 3 items. Item 1-- should be click NO if you don't have employment offer same as item 2, should be check as NO. For item 3 on the other hand should be click yes, as we already meet 60 points in the new criteria, we should have meet the 35 points in the old assessment form. If you want to confirm you can search for the SINP-400 assessment form to assess yourself.
Then jump to Page 2.
On page 2 for the question: Does your occupation require you to be approved by an occupational regulatory body
before you can work in Saskatchewan? you just need to check either yes or NO. If yes then need to flll up which regulatory body. If NO, it would just be blank.
Then next one would be the I AM ( APplicant). if you are the applicant just need to check this.
If not and some one is filling up the form for you like if you have representative then you need to fill up the portion below.
IF YOU ARE NOT THE APPLICANT ARE YOU: A Consultant A Lawyer Other______________________
Then your personal information, fill it up ( information of the principal applicant)
Page 3 would be all your information. Just fill it up.
and then Page 4, you just need to sign it for acknowledgement.
I hope this helps.