Thank you Kamy and everyone. You are all wonderful, helpful like a family.
Ashu hinted me earlier about SINP and I got discouraged then when I read that application window is closed for now, and never knew any slot could be available in no time. This means one should be ready with all required documents to take advantage of any possible space. Please folks send urgent alert anytime you notice any opening.
Having the checked the link Kamy sent, I have gotten acquainted with the required documents, and will try and gather them very soon. I do not have SK link but will make up with other scoring parameters.
Quick questions please -
Proof of fund can be a combination of fund from me and my spouse. Since the Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) which is like pension plan fund can be taken as a proof of fund, can that belonging to my spouse be considered as part of my fund considering that I'm the primary applicant?
Remember that some pension fund cannot be accessible until certain age, if the answer to my question above is YES, and assuming that the pension fund is not accessible now, can we still claim it as part of the fund?
Though not directly listed, can any proof be arranged perhaps through notarization to show the cost and value of landed properties or houses as proof of funds also. Is it acceptable?
Thank you very much for the time given to my question.