Hello everyone,
So glad to find this topic and your cool website

I'm new to this process and have studied a lot about SINP. But here are my questions that I still couldn't find any answer for them and really appreciate it if someone can help me with:
1. Where should we check to regularly to see if there is new openings for applications? Can anybody give me the right link? and if there is opening, does it show on that table or somewhere else?
2. I read you have a Whatsapp group for tracking this program. But I couldn't send a message to the user who posted this matter. Is it possible for someone to send me a message and I join to your useful group?
3. If you want to apply in Express entry sub-category rather than Occupation in demand, is there still a list of jobs which your skills should be in that list?
4. My last question would be about APEGS membership. As I see many people apply for SINP as a technician not an engineer. So they don't need to be a member of APEGS. My question here is if someone can get membership of APEGS, would this give him a positive point? I mean why should we get APEGS membership while there is no necessity?? I believe there should be some good point for APEGS members.
Thanks you so much in advance for your kindness and answering my question. Wish you all a successful career in near future