Guys, Use this link to fill your details in SS. (Small z)
ektaahm said:Hello all,
I have send them the required missing docs a week ago.
And my status still shows "waiting from applicant"!
What would be the next step and next status from their side?
I am not there in the spreadsheet.
Can you send me the links for spreadsheet.?
Change said:Hello ektaahm, once you have sent them the required documents, you just be calm, they will work on it and then change your status to in process.
Here is the link to input your detail in the spreadsheet.
Boston Red Sox said:Application Submitted: 16-June-2015
Request Missing docs: 01-Sept 2015 (Application Status: Waiting on Applicant)
Docs send via e-mail: 07-Sept 2015
Application status changed to In-Process on 11-Sept 2015
Change said:Welcome on board Boston Red Sox,
Please fill up the spreadsheet
Wishing you best of luck.