Wow! you eliminated all possible theories my friend! In this way, There should be another reason for not receiving that email for us! 8)
One question: Did you send your documents to:
immigration.documents @ OR
immigration @ ? Did you receive the automated confirmation email from them?
I sent additional documents to immigration.documents @ and I also received the automated confirmation. FYI, the documents that I sent later are
1. Settlement plan- That I attached in one of the items under proof of fund during online application. I thought if they missed that as I was not sure where to add the plan.
2. An explanation of fund balance as I have transferred fund from one item to another. Such as checking a/c to term deposit, stock a/c to checking a/c etc.
But I think I did not miss any mandatory documents with my initial application.
My Friend,
As you mentioned, your application submitted completely. Settlement plan must attach to Settlement Funds section and your second document is for extra information and you could keep it and don't send until they ask you to do that! But I attached my Settlement plan to Settlement Funds section but because of site problem in the final submitted application it was not there! I had to send it again with Email.

I think my theory get back to life! All complete applications, got review email and others are waiting for attaching missed documents.
Any Idea?