Thank you my friends
After Passport request, this immigration game's level change to a harder and absolutely different type level! I just started playing new level and it is searching, searching and searching about starting new life in OLD Saskatchewan!
At the beginning I started to search about house rent and I found that prices is shown in their rental advertisement are not comparable with each other! I mean if you search for a apartment to rent, the site will show you apartments for rent from $35 to $2800 !!! Some of them show you daily price, some others are weekly and the rest is showing monthly prices but there isn't any filter to disable or enable what type of price you want to see! You see all prices beside each other without a term to showing what type of price is that!
For example I saw a house with $650 and it seemed to be a very good opportunity but when I went to detail somewhere in last part of advertisement it mentioned in a narrow and small font $650/w (It means $650 per week!) and the total price will be $2600 per month(but they didn't mention it anywhere in their advertisement)!!!
It will be a very sweet challenge for everyone after Decision Made/Passport Request level!
