Well, according to SINP's procedural guidelines (http://www.economy.gov.sk.ca/immigration/sinp-procedural-guidelines) applicants will only receive confirmation that the app was received after the 2nd step on their program criteria has been reached (pre-screening).
The 1st step would be to submit the application.
from the link provided:
- If the application is deemed complete, a receipt confirmation letter will be sent to the email address provided in the application.
- If the application is deemed incomplete, the application will not be accepted and a letter will be sent by email to the applicant indicating which documents are needed to apply again.
From what I understand of that, in my case, for example, my application has already been pre-screened, which is the 2nd step, and was indeed deemed COMPLETE, as I have already received the aforementioned letter. On SINP's online tool the status of my application is shown as "in-process". Meaning that my application might already be at the 3rd step (basic review) or on it's way to it.
Trying to be as realistic as it can be, as per our google spreadsheet (created by tetunte), 24 people on this thread applied to SINP. That represents only 4.8% of the total # of applications which were accepted (500). There is no way to know if SINP has already sent AORs or not to the other 478 applicants which are not on the spreadsheet. The 24 of us represent too low of a % to try and figure that out by our numbers.
Mathematically speaking, as per the SS, 10% of us have already received AORs (Shanaya and I).
There is no way of knowing in which order SINP is addressing the applications. I tend to believe that they are doing it by "order of arrival". I'm saying that exclusively based on my process/application. So take that with a grain of salt.
Mine was sent right after the system began working 100% (and by right after I mean on the spot). I sat in front of my laptop at exactly 8am CST and only left the chair after I managed to submit the application. I had multiple browser tabs open at the submit application screen, and kept on trying the submit button on each one of them. By the time it went through, only one of all tabs I had opened returned me with the "application sent" screen. So I'm pretty sure I was one of the first ones to submit (if not the very first one). That's why I think it's going at this pace (the time the app was received at SINP), and, maybe, that's why I've received my AOR so fast, at the 2nd business day after the cap was reached.
I trully believe that if you're pretty sure all fields/forms were filled correctly, all of the supporting documents were added, IELTS points are ok, and so on... in short, if you believe your app is 100% ok, then it's only a matter of time till you get your AOR.
Give it some time. If SINP pre-screens, let's say, 20 apps a day, it would still take them 25 days to go through all 500 apps. Following this "logic", only 80 apps were pre-screened, as only 4 business days have passed.
I know this might sound "easy" for me to say, as I have already received my letter, but, there is no reason in beating yourself up while waiting.
I've played that game last year, as I was a FSW applicant. My app was rejected twice... Take my advice on that, settle down, relax and go by your life as if you have never applied to immigrate to Canada. I didn't do it last year, and I regret it. I could have taken it easier and enjoyed my days a lot more, instead of going nuts checking my email and my cellphone to see if my credit card had been charged.
Good news come at their own time. Remember that...