tetunte said:
Package Delivered CIC
We need to wait now, some guys got AOR after 3 months, so hopefully we are going to have news
by the end of September.
Good luck to all that arrived to this stage, I hope all my "n/a" and "not applicable" were
written well...
Good luck..
AOR: I think that some are nowadays getting in less than 3 months. As our other experts mentioned, the wave of lot of applications are already being issued AOR hence it would be definitely less than 3 months and i think it would be around 60 days. What do you guys say?
Not applicable or NA filling:
Ya same doubt for me too. Should we put that NA or Not applicable
(if they have not asked to mention NONE or anything in that respective form)?
Did we need to print it and write NA or not applicable for date columns too?
In General application form:
How about the right side box of question 3? Also in 9.2 as i do not have more than one citizenship?
How about in shaded grey fields? I think we should not enter NA as thats why they greyed it?
Sorry to ask some silly questions but we are sending without the help of consultants hence I want it to get it accepted first time itself

I think some consultants do by trial and error anyway and playing with candidate's applications.
I think that they accept if the payment is fine and overall most of the necessary information is filled and minimum supporting documents are kept. I dont think they will reject for some columns left blank or not filled as NONE or NA or N/A appropriately. I dont see any in the threads at least. What do you guys say?
My application is almost ready. Actually its ready. Mainly I dont have anymore patience to verify

and put it in ups envelope and kept it. Will be sending it tomorrow.