kaisin82 said:
Kidrobot>> have u landed? hows the packing?
Hi everyone!
I just landed in Canada last month. Busy with settle down and adapt to the cold winter!
Let's start with my landing experience! I landed in Vancouver airport.
Fill in declaration card in the flight.
At the custom, let the officer check your passport, declaration card and COPR.
Take back your documents and go to collect your luggage.
Bring along your luggage to the immigration office. Put your luggage next to the entrance. There's a nice and friendly officer will guide you where to take the new immigrant brochure and wait for interview.
Prepare your passport, declaration card, COPR, Accompanied list and Goods to follow list & jewelry photos. Officer will ask you a few questions and ask you to sign on the COPR. They will ask for your Canada address and phone number. They will ask how much money you take into Canada. Show them your jewelry photos, Accompanied list & Goods to follow list. The officer will stamp & sign and keep 2 copies of Goods to follow list. That's mean you don't have any copy of it to keep. They will return 2 copies of Accompanied goods list to you without sign anything on it. They told me they don't need to keep Accompanied goods list. They didn't ask for my jewelry receipt or jewelry appraisal because I bring it together to Canada. They also told me that if I put the jewelry into Goods to follow list, then I need to provide jewelry appraisal when the jewelry ship to Canada.
There's no water or food inside the office. So please bring your own water or food before you go inside. All the people will queue at the same lane for complete their study permit, working permit and landing procedure. The landing procedure takes longer that I expected! I've been waiting for almost 2 hrs. in the office. I waited for 16 people and there is only 1 counter open. When there is more people come in, the more counter they will open. So please be patience and make sure you have enough time to do transit flight if your destination is not in Vancouver.
I'm quite happy with my smooth landing procedure except the timing. It takes longer and waiting time is killing me. But it's worth it. I've been waiting for a few years so I’m Ok with this. Everyone is so nice in the airport. They are happily to help you when you ask for help.
On the next day immediately go to apply SIN card, Health Card and open a bank account. I do not need to fill in any form. Just go there and show them your COPR and Passport. They will do the rest for you. Processing time takes around 15 minutes. Open a bank account will takes more time because they will explain every single details of your bank account and do not miss this opportunity to ask question.
After all these, it’s time for me to do some grocery shopping! Superstore is a great place to shop! Don’t miss it! You can save a lot of money! Costco also is a nice place to shop. It depends on what you need and what kind of quality you want. Safeway is a bit expensive than Superstore and Costco but you can shop there if they have promotion.
Cold & white winter! What a great winter experience! Although the weather is cold but I enjoy it very much! Now I’m busy with trying new food and exploring Canada! Hopefully will find a job soon.
I’m definitely won’t forget all of you! I will often come back to see all of you.
Good luck my friend!