Shaheenaz said:
We never submitted anything notarized. All the documents ( Nikah-Nama, Marriage Certificate, Employment Letter, Pay Slips and so on) we submitted in connection with our application were just in English, not notarized. However, our documents were officially in English, which means when we got our original copies from different sources, we requested them to give our copies in English. We did not receive the original copies in a different language and them translated them in English; they were originally in English from the sources. I believe if you have a piece of origianl document in a language other than English, you need to translate that piece of document in English first, then get it notarized and submit the notarized copy along with a copy of the original document which is not in English. If your original document is already in English, then I believe you don't need to get it notarized; just submitting a copy will do the job. If they need it notarized, they will infrom you. This is what I did throughout my procedure. Thanks.
thanks so much for your valuable info.

Yes my marriage certificate is in english and bangla also notorized by a lawyer. But now that i am preparing to apply for tvr. I wanted to include my husbands father land properties and stuff that is originally in bangla.. But am very stuck about the ties in bd that i can include:S my husband sent me the letter of the refusal of tvr, here is the reason:
- You havent satisfy us that you will leave canada after the end of your stay.
-your travel history?(it is because he hasnt travelled out of country in his lifetime?)
-Your family ties in canada and your home country
-Limited employment in your country of residence
-Your current employment situation
So my husband own a clothing shop where he lives now, he is the owner.( i gotta get this translated and notoized) so i think this will do for the employment reason.
But how about other ties? i really have no idea what to do with that.
The reason of his visit to canada this time i wrote to SUpport my pregnant wife, i will include my ultrasound pictures,also some letter of appointment that i had with my gyno i guess. And probably will get a paper proving my due date from the doctor.
I will go see my mp, tomorrow probably and will try to get my mp to write a letter to support my tvr.
Anyone has any idea of proofs of ties,please help me. Thank You