CanadianEnforcer said:
Same here kitty - received on 14th nov and yet no feedback - did you get any response to you're email sent earlier -
Yes, I got one said"
This refers to your e-mail dated XX April 2011.
Ms XXX's application is pending review by our visa officer.
Please wait for our letter for further instructions.
Thank you.
and one thing that I don't understand is that one of my friends from Thailand who submitted the application later than me got more advance in her process like this""
We received XXX XXXX's application for permanent residence on January 6, 2011.
We started processing XXX XXXX's application on February 15, 2011
but mine just said we received XXX's application for PR on November 12,2010.
I wanna cry, why don't they processing the file based on first come first serve basis