khun thaihubbie,
No worries about that! Regarding your questions/concerns...
The whole application is sent to CPC-Miss (sponsor and applicant forms along with all the evidence). They then usually take 1-1.5 months to process just you, the sponsor. If accepted as a sponsor, CPC-M will then forward the whole application to Singapore where your husband is then reviewed. I think the whole package is sent together to keep it all together (obviously

) so that any IO can review anything if something comes up that needs an explanation, either for you or your husband's part. This part of the process can vary anywhere between 6 months to 1 year (depending on: if everything is done and sent properly, if there is an interview requested, any criminal history, etc.).
A good application is one that has everything CIC asks for (both you and your husband's checklists), properly filling out the forms (100% proper!!) and a lot of evidence to prove to the IO's that your husband is genuinely wanting to come to Canada for his family to be together (a.k.a. honesty!). That's why you are sponsoring under the 'Family Class'... so take time filling out the forms with the proper information and if something is not 100% clear, then ask! It may save you several months of delays if something is missed or done wrong. Hopefully someone in the forum has had the same question before and can answer you. Even with our emotional experiences in the past, you and I are lucky since we have the time to figure these forms out and we aren't in a huge hurry to immigrate our spouses... so use this time wisely!
Remember, you only send the application (EVERYTHING!!) once to CPC-M. I think time-lines can be found on the CIC website. If you have any problems you can ask RobsLuv as she knows quite a bit regarding this.
Hope this helps! Choke dee krab!