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show 2 gap years after high school


Feb 28, 2012
I have been studying in the university for about 1 year and a half , but don't want to show this because of some bad grades, in the other hand I have excellent high school grades with a diploma. I'm applying for a 2 years college diploma. my worry is if the visa officer will be suspicious if I don't put anything to cover that time?
that means 1 and a half gap years. The visa officer will research if i have been studying?



Champion Member
torop said:
I have been studying in the university for about 1 year and a half , but don't want to show this because of some bad grades, in the other hand I have excellent high school grades with a diploma. I'm applying for a 2 years college diploma. my worry is if the visa officer will be suspicious if I don't put anything to cover that time?
that means 1 and a half gap years. The visa officer will research if i have been studying?


Since you have this 1.5 years of gap IMMEDIATELY before applying for visa.. that may or may not be a matter of concern. The embassy may or may not verify this time (most probably no). It's best, in my opinion not to lie. But, if you really want to apply for diploma and don't want to mention about your University studies, think of a good reason to cover that gap and be realistic/practical. like may be you were travelling, or doing some voluntary work etc. You have to figure it out. Best, visit a reputed professional visa consultant and listen to their opinion as to get a clear idea of how to proceed.

Best of luck


Star Member
Sep 3, 2011
torop said:
I have been studying in the university for about 1 year and a half , but don't want to show this because of some bad grades, in the other hand I have excellent high school grades with a diploma. I'm applying for a 2 years college diploma. my worry is if the visa officer will be suspicious if I don't put anything to cover that time?
that means 1 and a half gap years. The visa officer will research if i have been studying?


See they will definitely not check whether you are stating the truth or not. They will straight forwardly reject your visa. I may sound harsh but try and understand. they will feel that the student was doing nothing and was sitting at home for 18 months and now once upon a morning he decides to go to Canada.
this means he is not serious about studying at Canada but just wants to got there coz he has nothing to do. this will mark you as a non genuine student.

So please its my request NEVER show a gap of more than 6 months. Either you state the truth that you were studying at some university and attach its mark sheet (recommended) or you state that you were working some where and get a fake appointment letter (not recommended).

but dont show a gap.



Feb 28, 2012
the thing is that I was planning to study in Canada since High School , but my English wasn't that good , for that reason i decided to wait 1 year and enroll various English courses that year , I said that my marks are bad , however only in two subjects , the others have good/average scores.
Can I attach my english diplomas? also I enroll several technology courses just for fun but never received a diploma.


Champion Member
torop said:
the thing is that I was planning to study in Canada since High School , but my English wasn't that good , for that reason i decided to wait 1 year and enroll various English courses that year , I said that my marks are bad , however only in two subjects , the others have good/average scores.
Can I attach my english diplomas? also I enroll several technology courses just for fun but never received a diploma.

Out of your immediate gap of 1.5 years, if you can show 1 year pursuing valid English diploma... I think it can work. But then it also depends, what kind of English diploma you pursued? Are they recognized by International English bodies such as British Council? Also, if you pursued 1 year studying English, you got to score a very high IELTS score, say atleast 7.0-7.5, to show your level of improvement in English..otherwise if you score below average in IELTS, do you think it will look matching/genuine/believable that you spent 1 year studying English??? You got to think of all these points..and cover your gap of atleast 1 year carefully...


Feb 28, 2012
I think I will say the truth I only have 2 bad grades that are not that bad , I studied intensive english in a well reputed american institution and got 105 in the toefl.


Champion Member
torop said:
I think I will say the truth I only have 2 bad grades that are not that bad , I studied intensive english in a well reputed american institution and got 105 in the toefl.
Hmm.. your TOEFL score is good.... point is.. if you have 1 year showing..u did a full time diploma in English from a reputed American institute.. it will work. But if u say.. you are leaving your University study midway after 1.5 years..to go to Canada..then no way....