why i chose canada insted pakistan bcoz u know pakistani educatiion stamdard is not good compare to canada and many people who apply acca in canada and UK from pakistan why they chose canada if pakistan alos affer ACCA and many people who has got a visa in ACCA program.......other thing......study mismach is a issu of refection but opproximately every stuents have this problem of study mismach......and some people got visa some rejection.......its depends over all profile and your luck........
my purpose of asking question this fourm that if a person who has good acadmic backround(acadmic score)good finacial sport,no study gap then only the issu of study mismach possible to got a visa and its impossible to got a visa due to study mismach........???
my purpose of asking question this fourm that if a person who has good acadmic backround(acadmic score)good finacial sport,no study gap then only the issu of study mismach possible to got a visa and its impossible to got a visa due to study mismach........???