On my landing, I had by mistake informed the landing officer for short stay and said that I will come back after settling things back in home country.
He asked for local address in Toronto and I had informed about my friends address. He mentioned that the PR CARD has to be received by me only and will not be shipped to my friends address. He advised me to call and change my address when I take my own apartment.
He advised me to stay until I get my PR Card. Also, mentioned that the whole process may start again if I leave without the PR card.
Please advise if it was wrong to declare "short stay" and will I loose everything, if I have to leave. I am leaving in a weeks time and need urgent help.
On my landing, I had by mistake informed the landing officer for short stay and said that I will come back after settling things back in home country.
He asked for local address in Toronto and I had informed about my friends address. He mentioned that the PR CARD has to be received by me only and will not be shipped to my friends address. He advised me to call and change my address when I take my own apartment.
He advised me to stay until I get my PR Card. Also, mentioned that the whole process may start again if I leave without the PR card.
Please advise if it was wrong to declare "short stay" and will I loose everything, if I have to leave. I am leaving in a weeks time and need urgent help.