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Sham Marriages



[size=10pt][size=10pt]Does sham marriages still go on?

Do they really work out and not get caught?

What are your thoughts?

What are we doing to stop sham marriages?


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
For sure they are still going on. It seems that once the couple has convinced immigration that it's a real marriage, it's a real marriage. Once somebody gets their PR, that's it.

If we wanted to stop them, practically anything we do will make it harder on people who have a real marriage. It's already practically impossible for people from some countries to visit their fiancee in Canada because immigration doesn't believe they will go back. The people who want to scam will still find a way to do it.

In the US, they've taken up giving spouses a temporary green card. It's a nice idea but it can also give the sponsor a lot of power over the sponsored.

What are your ideas?


My thoughts on sham marriages first of all is that since they are illegal I really do not understand why a person would allow such a skeleton in their closet. I do not do illegal things. Someone may think they can get away with it, and many will get away with it. But what about the sleepless nights of guilt that will come one day when they realize this could prevent them from pursuing some career path or other opportunity? A fraud on your record can have serious consequences in your future. It may lie quietly for years, and is always at risk of being unearthed. That's just the practical consequences.

And then there's cynicism about marriage and relationships, another thing I want no part of. I'm not a romantic, because romanticism is too shallow. I'm a practical realist, and I respect marriage as a working and integral part of my life and identity. But for other people it's just another superficial form with little meaning, apparently. Pity. I don't even like people, honestly, because most allow themselves to be low, untrustworthy trash. But if you do value the best that humans can be, a marriage with or without children is one the prime places people have an opportunity to rise to the heights of human capacity, much in contrast to users who use people and such structures to perpetrate a fraud.

It seems for some people this kind of fraud becomes okay because they have seen someone else do it. That old peer pressure thing where because someone else did something idiotic, it might seem to be normal or even cool. "Don't judge me" someone said in a post where they sought help in managing their sham marriage, and posted openly about it. (Not with a real name though. Too bad.) Yes, I judge, because it is a legal fraud and it is wrong in so many ways.


Star Member
Jul 30, 2008
Misanthrope said:
But what about the sleepless nights of guilt that will come one day when they realize this could prevent them from pursuing some career path or other opportunity?
I agree with your thoughts Misanthrope, I don't like many people either :)... but people that are fraudulent know they are and these kind of people don't have a conscience that keeps them up at night. They think about themselves and what they will get from it 'short term'.

Someone who is being cheated won't see the true intentions of their spouse because they are in love. Sorry to say, but the old cliche of love is blind has some meaning here and it is very unfortunate that some take advantage of this. You can only hope that karma catches up with these kind of people and they will pay for their actions. My only advice is to take your time and be sure of your decisions to spend the rest of your life with someone, regardless of where they are from.

Think about when one marries someone from the same country. How do you know their true intentions irrelevant of where they are from? Are they marrying for money, status, or just to sit on the couch and watch TV? Does your spouse have a hidden agenda? I'm sure there are thousands of stories of Canadians marrying Canadians for obvious reasons other than love, but that is life and sham marriages exist everywhere in any situation. You make decisions in your life that you hope to better the life of your partner and yourself. It is a very emotional and long process when you mix love with international borders and obviously worse if you are cheated.

I believe there is no real answer to stop sham marriages and they will exist no matter what rules are set in place or additional background checks are made. The government surrenders all liability when the sponsor signs those forms and, in turn, makes it the responsibility of the sponsor to know if the relationship is genuine. It must be horrible knowing your marriage was shamed just for immigration purposes and I don't blame people who express their emotions here. I know I would want answers... or at least somewhere to vent.
