Well, not many people from the GTA responded to one of my previous DM. Many people from outside the GTA did respond and they let me know that their BG checks are still in Progress. This makes me sad.
Also, there are several applicant on the spreadsheet that aren't on the forum, I have flagged everyone without a test invite and not on the forum with a note in the spreadsheet. Should appear as a black triangle on the top right corner of in their respective name field. So, there is a good chance that these entries might be stale. If you include the applicants that have got a test invite but haven't taken the test (marked in blue), it comes to 44%. 44% of September 2020 applicants on the spreadsheet have received a test invitation and most of them are from either Montreal or Mississauga/Toronto/Brampton. Very few invites from other offices across Canada.
I'd say there are some applicants that haven't updated the status yet (especially from the GTA) and if they do, we will be 50% or higher with the test invitations.