I spoke to the IRCC client support center agent at Ontario time 8.45 am. I was on the call from 8.00am.
Note for people who believe we are wasting officers' time contacting IRCC: We can only talk to the client support center agent, not the visa officers who work on our cases.
I was so excited to hear a human office on the other end and I forgot to ask what my visa office is

. In the past 10 years of life in the USA with number of visa application & renewals; I have never been able to ask an agent what my application status is. So one can imagine how exciting it can be!!!
The polite agent told me that my application is going very well and is looking good. He said my eligibility is passed, background check is passed and my application is waiting for the officer to do the next steps. I did not ask when I can expect PPR. I did ask if my application is approved and he did not give me a clear answer; instead he said everything is looking good on my application.
Foot note: My application status on my cic account does not reflect any of the above and I assume it doesn't always anyway.