@kzeed12 the NOC I selected are 6551 for 1st company and 1114 for the second company. As per my research, the NOC stands correct. Could it be that Case officer would have sent an verification email to HR department or my line manager of respective companies, but have not received the response, hence they have stated that Unable to Confirm NOC for work experience with Organisation 1 and Organisation 2.
They have also mentioned that, they are able to confirm my employment through LOO provided as well as bank statements and Pay Stubs provided.
So, would it be fine if I get another letter from both of my organisation with more details on the Roles and Responsibilities and submit it again, along with all the other documents which proves my employment, i.e Salary Slips, Bank Statements which shows salary credit every month, Appointment letter and resignation letter.
Also submit one letter with contact details of my Line manager and HR department for ease of verification for them?