The avg AOR to IP time for September 2017 is the longest since at least Sep 2016 (according to the tracker). It is really hard to explain because even the applications that were delivered before XMas and summer vacation months were moving faster. Seems that the flip-flop of 4/6 and 3/5 rules are stabbing us in the back twice. Sigh...
I noticed that IP to Test Invites seems to be faster lately, hopefully IRCC is just doing more checks in the earlier phase, so maybe the total processing time won't be too badly impacted. But that is only my wishful thinking.
Delivered to IP is the same in August and September (50 days). Slower than previous months, but there was probably an uptick in applications from people worried that 3/5 would create a huge backlog, and I'm sure some resources were devoted to training and updating systems and procedures. I work for the federal government, and any change entails training, buggy systems updates, and at least an initial increase in processing times.
I do agree the switch to 4/6 without grandfathering people already counting their 3 years was a shitty thing for the Harper government to push through, but the switch back to 3/5 is a good thing, even if it adds a couple weeks to our applications.