s2110 said:
I have got my AOR and I am waiting for my medicals. I am getting married in October and I am just wondering if I can add my wife name in the file before we get married and can share the marriage proof details later.
I heard that if I include my wife's name at the time of my medicals, it will take less time for her PR to be done.
Please share your valuable suggestions.
Should I submit my medicals, wait until we get married and then add my wife's name on the file (or) Can I add my wife's name before we get married by doing upfront medicals and then later submit the required details.
I am not sure which of the processes gets completed faster.
CIC will ask for a set of doucmnets once you notify them of your marriage, and most of those you wouldn't have unless you really get married!
To save time, what you can do is, gather round the following documents that you'll be asked for, so, when you contact them right after your court marriage, you'll be ready with the stuff.
wedding pictures
communication between the two of your - emails, phone evidences and financial transactions
pictures before, during and after the dating phase into the wedding phase
trip tickets, if any - taken together or towards each other
outstation photographs and couple photos with other family members, better if same set appears more than once
and drumrolls... your love story!!!
Do not waste any time after you get married to inform them, and get started withr esponses.
If you're lucky, CIC will start to talk to you in the same timeframe they're likely to ask for medicals, so you'll have a regular communication with them which has been a distant dream for all of us so far!
and finally, Congratulations!