We all are seeing how well it's been doing being a prestigious office, come on who are you guys telling stories to, can't you see how randomly without any sequence IRCC is giving decisions on applications even we see here students were refused for being dependent on parents however they never had one to support them and they were self made and there are hundreds of examples which prove that IRCC acted and acting so carelessly even it's working worse than our local office. So if you have gotten a positive decision does not prove that all have been treated fairly. Yes that's true we can't imagine that IRCC could be such a lazy and irresponsible and inconsistent office that says one thing at one time and another next time. Also, don't dare to suggest me that I shouldn't then apply at Canada to study and should go for some other country because if I knew it's going to happen I never would have applied and I am already waiting for decision and will welcome even if it's going to be a rejection so I could focus at some other program somewhere else.