I am bachelor of pharmacy, india and diploma from canada
I have claimed points for master degree for bachelor of pharmacy ! (For master degree or any profession require licence. Pharmacy require licence but i dont have any yet but i have ECA.)
If this is okay there is no issue.
If i am not suppose to get points for master degree so how can i still change my profile to two or more degree ??
when i got selected in feb 4 my score was 452 and cut off was 447.
What should i do??
thank you for help
I am bachelor of pharmacy, india and diploma from canada
I have claimed points for master degree for bachelor of pharmacy ! (For master degree or any profession require licence. Pharmacy require licence but i dont have any yet but i have ECA.)
If this is okay there is no issue.
If i am not suppose to get points for master degree so how can i still change my profile to two or more degree ??
when i got selected in feb 4 my score was 452 and cut off was 447.
What should i do??
thank you for help