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Sending "Right of Permanent Resident Fee" while awaiting processing


Feb 13, 2014

I have a Canadian Experience Class application currently in process. I did not send my "Right of Permanent Resident Fee" with my application. Does it make sense to send it now? (before a decision is made on my application). Would that save some time?

And if I were to send it, should I send it to the Case Processing center in Ottawa or the Centralized Intake Office?



Champion Member
Mar 28, 2014
Visa Office......
Sydney NS
NOC Code......
NOC 2133
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
Yes it will shave a few weeks off the total time to get PR.

Below are instructions how you can pay and submit receipts (Please leave me a positive feedback!)

To make an upfront payment for the RPRF, go to
> https://eservices.cic.gc.ca/epay/welcome.do?lang=en.

Then select IMMIGRATION as the type of service and click on RIGHT OF PERMANENT RESIDENCE FEE.

Principal applicants (with some exceptions) and spouses and common-law partners coming with them to Canada must pay this fee. Applicants must pay this fee before CIC issues the permanent resident visa or before the applicant becomes a permanent resident in Canada.

These people do not have to pay this fee:
• dependent children of a principal applicant or sponsor, a child to be adopted, or an orphaned brother, sister, niece, nephew or grandchild; and
• protected persons, including Convention refugees.

[ Source: #4 on http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/fees/fees.asp ]

After paying the fee, you will be issued a receipt, which you can either fill out on your computer or print, fill out and scan - then email to CIC for further processing.

Send the receipt to: CPCO-Cost-recovery.CTDO-Recouvrement-frais @ cic.gc.ca or CPPO-Cost-Recovery @ cic.gc.ca
and make sure to include all required information in the subject line. More information HERE.

Okimoe said:

I have a Canadian Experience Class application currently in process. I did not send my "Right of Permanent Resident Fee" with my application. Does it make sense to send it now? (before a decision is made on my application). Would that save some time?

And if I were to send it, should I send it to the Case Processing center in Ottawa or the Centralized Intake Office?



Star Member
Feb 2, 2015
I don't think it shaves any time off at all,like the rumour that if you pay by bankers draft your application will be processed faster.
I paid it when I got the request,1 week later I had DM on ECAS which to me says it doesn't save any time at all,entire process done in less than 11 months.

One of the guys I work with paid his upfront,he applied 6 weeks before me and still has not received MR,another work mate applied same date as me,paid up front and again no MR I think that pretty much sums up the myth!


Champion Member
Mar 28, 2014
Visa Office......
Sydney NS
NOC Code......
NOC 2133
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
Off Course it does.

MR and all other items have nothing to do with paying upfront and shaving a few weeks of the "total time to get PR".

scoot said:
I don't think it shaves any time off at all,like the rumour that if you pay by bankers draft your application will be processed faster.
I paid it when I got the request,1 week later I had DM on ECAS which to me says it doesn't save any time at all,entire process done in less than 11 months.

One of the guys I work with paid his upfront,he applied 6 weeks before me and still has not received MR,another work mate applied same date as me,paid up front and again no MR I think that pretty much sums up the myth!


Star Member
Feb 2, 2015
I highly doubt it makes any difference in processing time at all mate,I am sure that if you compare 2 cases of people who apply at the same time 1 paying up front,the other not that there would be ZERO difference in processing times!
Again just like the myth of paying by bankers draft gets your application into processing faster than by paying with credit card!


Champion Member
Mar 28, 2014
Visa Office......
Sydney NS
NOC Code......
NOC 2133
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
I am talking about the "total time to get PR". It is common sense and goes like this:

If I did not pay upfront then CIC will send me a message (which will be qued for sending) to request the fee. By the time I get the message and make arrangements to pay and send the receipt to CIC and they receipt it, it will be at least a week or two.

Now compare this to the scenario where I have already paid upfront - several steps are cut off instantly thus shaving off at least two weeks!

scoot said:
I highly doubt it makes any difference in processing time at all mate,I am sure that if you compare 2 cases of people who apply at the same time 1 paying up front,the other not that there would be ZERO difference in processing times!
Again just like the myth of paying by bankers draft gets your application into processing faster than by paying with credit card!


Star Member
Feb 2, 2015
Amisnic said:
I am talking about the "total time to get PR". It is common sense and goes like this:

If I did not pay upfront then CIC will send me a message (which will be qued for sending) to request the fee. By the time I get the message and make arrangements to pay and send the receipt to CIC and they receipt it, it will be at least a week or two.

Now compare this to the scenario where I have already paid upfront - several steps are cut off instantly thus shaving off at least two weeks!
Considering its done online and via email,where do you get 2 weeks from?
I had a request for an updated schedule A on the Monday,the next day I got RPRF email,I sent the updated schedule A by email,and paid the RPRF via credit card,7 days later I had DM.
Now I would not have had the DM on ECAS if I had not sent the updated schedule A,so common sense tells that paying RPRF upfront does not save 2 weeks at all does it not?

There is also NO proof at all that paying upfront speeds up the process at all,from what I have been told by a friend who's relative works in immigration doing medicals upfront,and paying upfront does NOTHING to speed up the process,the ONLY way your application will move any faster than it normally would depends on you providing the required information with the application.
There have been cases of people getting RPRF emails and MR emails despite doing medicals upfront or paying RPRF upfront,again it makes ZERO difference,unless you wait 2 weeks from getting RPRF to actually paying it!!!!
There is a 2 month delay if you do not pay RPRF within the time provided maybe you are confused?


Star Member
Dec 11, 2013
scoot said:
Considering its done online and via email,where do you get 2 weeks from?
I had a request for an updated schedule A on the Monday,the next day I got RPRF email,I sent the updated schedule A by email,and paid the RPRF via credit card,7 days later I had DM.
Now I would not have had the DM on ECAS if I had not sent the updated schedule A,so common sense tells that paying RPRF upfront does not save 2 weeks at all does it not?

There is also NO proof at all that paying upfront speeds up the process at all,from what I have been told by a friend who's relative works in immigration doing medicals upfront,and paying upfront does NOTHING to speed up the process,the ONLY way your application will move any faster than it normally would depends on you providing the required information with the application.
There have been cases of people getting RPRF emails and MR emails despite doing medicals upfront or paying RPRF upfront,again it makes ZERO difference,unless you wait 2 weeks from getting RPRF to actually paying it!!!!
There is a 2 month delay if you do not pay RPRF within the time provided maybe you are confused?
I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but my eCAS changed to "In Process" exactly one week after I paid RPRF upfront in the end of January. Before that my case was sitting for almost one year without any movement and GCMS notes shows "Recommended Passed" since September last year.


Champion Member
Mar 28, 2014
Visa Office......
Sydney NS
NOC Code......
NOC 2133
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
You surely don't understand the process and neither do you seem to realise that although its all done via email that it is nonetheless done by humans and not robots.

A VO Officer does not look at the GCMS notes and sees that no RPRF has been paid and sends an email out - how it works is that s/he sees that and then raises a requisition for someone else to request that and so forth - all these causes delays and can be more than 2 weeks.

On the other hand, when the VO Officer sees that the PR Fee has been paid then s/he goes to the next step and it is this time saving that reduces the "total overall time to get PR".

You are confused with this and the speed of processing - BTW what was your score for your language test?

scoot said:
Considering its done online and via email,where do you get 2 weeks from?
I had a request for an updated schedule A on the Monday,the next day I got RPRF email,I sent the updated schedule A by email,and paid the RPRF via credit card,7 days later I had DM.
Now I would not have had the DM on ECAS if I had not sent the updated schedule A,so common sense tells that paying RPRF upfront does not save 2 weeks at all does it not?

There is also NO proof at all that paying upfront speeds up the process at all,from what I have been told by a friend who's relative works in immigration doing medicals upfront,and paying upfront does NOTHING to speed up the process,the ONLY way your application will move any faster than it normally would depends on you providing the required information with the application.
There have been cases of people getting RPRF emails and MR emails despite doing medicals upfront or paying RPRF upfront,again it makes ZERO difference,unless you wait 2 weeks from getting RPRF to actually paying it!!!!
There is a 2 month delay if you do not pay RPRF within the time provided maybe you are confused?


Feb 13, 2014
I think I have seen it on the CIC site that it is quicker to send RPRF upfront. I just can't find it now. My question was related to whether it's quicker to send it during processing and not with original documents.


Star Member
Feb 2, 2015
Amisnic said:
You surely don't understand the process and neither do you seem to realise that although its all done via email that it is nonetheless done by humans and not robots.

A VO Officer does not look at the GCMS notes and sees that no RPRF has been paid and sends an email out - how it works is that s/he sees that and then raises a requisition for someone else to request that and so forth - all these causes delays and can be more than 2 weeks.

On the other hand, when the VO Officer sees that the PR Fee has been paid then s/he goes to the next step and it is this time saving that reduces the "total overall time to get PR".

You are confused with this and the speed of processing - BTW what was your score for your language test?
So how did I get then get DM 1 week after being requested for RPRF,and 8 days after updated schedule A request which I emailed 4 days later?
I got 5H across the board except for speaking,they dropped me to a 5L for that lol.


Champion Member
Mar 28, 2014
Visa Office......
Sydney NS
NOC Code......
NOC 2133
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
Don't you see it - the VO might have requested the Program Assistant to seek PR Fee about two weeks earlier when he saw the the PR Fee was not paid. Now had you paid the PR Fee upfront, the DM message would have been 3 weeks earlier! Bingo, comprehended that?

scoot said:
So how did I get then get DM 1 week after being requested for RPRF,and 8 days after updated schedule A request which I emailed 4 days later?
I got 5H across the board except for speaking,they dropped me to a 5L for that lol.


Star Member
Feb 2, 2015
Amisnic said:
Don't you see it - the VO might have requested the Program Assistant to seek PR Fee about two weeks earlier when he saw the the PR Fee was not paid. Now had you paid the PR Fee upfront, the DM message would have been 3 weeks earlier! Bingo, comprehended that?
No it would not as they requested an updated schedule A the DAY BEFORE the RPRF request,do you not see that bit of information right there?
Therefore there is NO way I would have had DM on ECAS 3 weeks earlier is there?


Champion Member
Mar 28, 2014
Visa Office......
Sydney NS
NOC Code......
NOC 2133
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
We are not talking about your case, we are talking about the generalities.

scoot said:
No it would not as they requested an updated schedule A the DAY BEFORE the RPRF request,do you not see that bit of information right there?
Therefore there is NO way I would have had DM on ECAS 3 weeks earlier is there?