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Sending Additional documentation later


Full Member
Mar 12, 2009

does anyone know of someone who has sent in their initial documentation on time to the visa office, but then later sent the visa office additional information when it became available?

Im asking because my date is nearing and my police Certificates are taking too long to arrive. So can I proceed with sending my other documentation and write in the cover letter, police Certs to follow soon.

Does anyone have any advise for this situation?

thank you


Star Member
Jan 31, 2009
yes..u can send the additional documents later.it is better to send within 30 days from your elapsed deadline.Send all documents that you have so atleast teh visa officer will know that u had ssend some papes.but they will process only once they receive ur full set of documents


Full Member
Mar 12, 2009
thanks for the reply and it makes me feel less stressed.
If you dont mind me asking how do you know this is possible, have you heard of a person who has done this?
Did they list all the documents in the covering letter?


VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

Canary said:
thanks for the reply and it makes me feel less stressed.
If you dont mind me asking how do you know this is possible, have you heard of a person who has done this?
Did they list all the documents in the covering letter?
Believe what you want, but all documents must be submitted by the 120 days deadline according to CIC, no extensions.



Can we leave spaces for passport details of our spouse and dependent children and afterwards send them phtocopies of passport ? my friend want to apply but he don,t have passport of his family members and he want to apply before their passorts to save time... is it possible?


Full Member
Mar 12, 2009

ok now im stressed again. Im confused, is there anyone who knows anyone who has actually done this, or is there any written information on this. If you do send extra documentation, and im not saying half the file or anything, im just saying out of all the documents, just police reports, what will they do? reject the extra documentation when it arrives and send it back to sender? then when they actually look at the file and realise the police reports are missing send the file back and ask for reports to be included. How would it work, does anyone really know?


Hero Member
Nov 4, 2008
Canary said:

ok now im stressed again. Im confused, is there anyone who knows anyone who has actually done this, or is there any written information on this. If you do send extra documentation, and im not saying half the file or anything, im just saying out of all the documents, just police reports, what will they do? reject the extra documentation when it arrives and send it back to sender? then when they actually look at the file and realise the police reports are missing send the file back and ask for reports to be included. How would it work, does anyone really know?
I have the same problem, I am facing some difficulties in getting the PCC and is going to take more time than 90 Days. They only gave me 90 days not 120 days. Can I get 30 more days?? My IA letter says 90 days.


Full Member
Mar 12, 2009
Mine too, and its so unfair!!!! I dont even think I got all 90 days because they start counting from when they send the letter not when you receive it.

Please can someone find out if extra documentation sent later is acceptable, I guess we can only rely on people who have actually done it or people who have heard of someone who has done it.


Hero Member
Nov 4, 2008
I had no idea that I will have to face this, but now my deadline is coming near and there is no chance at all that I can do this in the given time. I waited and waited, its kind of unfair to get rejected in the end just because of the PCC is taking longer from another country.

I am planning to write them a letter anyway and explain my situation, I think it will be fair enough that they give me extra 30 days to make it 120 at least, and the PCC is not even for me (principal applicant) its for the dependent which is taking time.


Hero Member
Feb 2, 2009
documents must be submitted in a SINGLE package. do not submit any documents until you have prepared the entire package. they will make a decision you application on the based on the documents you provide,
but i don't think they will reject you just because of a missing PCC. you can make a letter of explaination.


Hero Member
Dec 17, 2008
Hi, this might help:
You are required to send ALL documents in a single package. True. But under the checklist, it says if you are unable to provide ANY of the documents listed, provide a written eplanation as to why that document is not available. So I would send the documents I have prepared so far and explain why the missing ones cannot be submitted now.



Hero Member
Feb 2, 2009
yes, you are right. you can do that.

but are you sure they're going to send you a letter later to ask for the missing documents? it will depend on the missing document. you may get away with a missing PCC of a dependent but i dont think you will pass if you dont submit an important document like IELTS or Employment reference.

scenario 1. the IO will accept your letter of explaination and award you the necessary points. good for you.
scenario 2. the IO is too busy with 1000s of applications and pressed to make a decision within 12 months that he decides its 1 more application out of his way and rejects your application. and you know what will happen. you lose your money and time.

if you still have time left in your 120 days wait a few more weeks. I waited until i had all document and submitted in 1 package, i dont want have sleepless nights wondering if the IO will accept an explaination.


Hero Member
Nov 4, 2008
Yes, you can send the explanation to the visa office, however you will not receive a confirmation on that, you can only request and assume they have accepted it and keep on working on your deal which is delayed. They can refuse you anytime after the deadline without any consideration or they can wait, but you will not know it, so do not wait for any confirmation from their office.

I need at least 45 days, I am not sure if they would give an extra 45 days or not and it is a mistake of the source of PCC office not even my mistake, now to correct it they will take 45 days and then I will get the PCC in 20 days, I only have 45 days in my hands.


Hero Member
Nov 4, 2008
jtob said:
yes, you are right. you can do that.

but are you sure they're going to send you a letter later to ask for the missing documents? it will depend on the missing document. you may get away with a missing PCC of a dependent but i dont think you will pass if you dont submit an important document like IELTS or Employment reference.

scenario 1. the IO will accept your letter of explaination and award you the necessary points. good for you.
scenario 2. the IO is too busy with 1000s of applications and pressed to make a decision within 12 months that he decides its 1 more application out of his way and rejects your application. and you know what will happen. you lose your money and time.

if you still have time left in your 120 days wait a few more weeks. I waited until i had all document and submitted in 1 package, i dont want have sleepless nights wondering if the IO will accept an explaination.
My documents are complete, its the PCC of my dependent (Spouse) who didn't contributed a single point in the application. And its from another country, they did a mistake in her last name, now I have to pay the price not in the sense of money but in the sense of my future. I have to correct the last name spelling (takes 45 days at least) and then reapply for PCC (takes another 20 days) total = 65 to 70 days. Total on hand days remaining (45 days).

You can do the math..


Hero Member
Feb 2, 2009
in that case you have no choice but to submit your documents before the deadline with a letter explaining the problem.
if you dont submit your documents before the deadline, you lose your application.
i don't think they will reject you for a missing PCC of a dependent, they will make a background check later anyway.