pisces123 said:
I am in a similar situation, I arrived in Nov 2011 on a PR. have been self employed since, I did send in my application in Dec 2014, case has been transferred to local office, I have been doing a lot of research in the forum, it seems RQ is sure to happen. There have been instances where RQ has been issues after the Test/Interview.
Yes, RQ may be issued at or following the test/interview to applicants who were not issued a pre-test RQ.
The response by
samreentariq, as noted by
OP_POP, is "exactly" on point.
samreentariq said:
People worry a lot in trying to avoid RQ, the reality is an RQ can be given to anyone during the process it could be a very simple and straightforward file but if any flags are triggered it can lead to an RQ. So trying to get an answer in what in can do to avoid one is honestly a question members cannot answer, they can reply with their personal experiences which you can infer from but do not get into a loop worrying too much make sure you check and double check all your papers to ensure all requirements are met and send the application along.
For the applicant who was not issued pre-test RQ, however, RQ at or after the test/interview is
NOT likely unless there is some cause for particularized concern.
There are some obvious circumstances or factors which will trigger a post-interview RQ, ranging from inconsistencies (such as dates of travel inconsistent with dates stamped in travel documents) to overt red flags (failure to present a Travel Document; passport entries reflecting residence or work status in other countries or otherwise indicating living or working abroad while the application has been pending; FOSS entries entered in the system since last GCMS check; among others), and perhaps some circumstances which arouse concerns or questions . . . such as an applicant giving responses about employment which are incongruous or suspicious (for one applicant who ran into post-test RQ and eventually CIC's skepticism, the interviewer inferred that something was awry and asked more specific questions about the applicant's commute to work and the applicant's neighbourhood, and the applicant's vague answers, he could not describe where he bought groceries for example or the route taken to get to the location of the declared employment, were inferred to indicate a lack of familiarity with where the applicant claimed to have been living).
Nest76 said:
Not true. RQ is criteria-based.
The criteria are somewhat broad (not so much so as in 2012) and thus will engage many qualified applicants for whom there should be no concern or doubts about their residency, and the changes implemented since 2012 (last time we had a specific copy of the criteria employed) may involve a range of discretionary judgment resulting in different results for different applicants whose applications appear to be very similar. But there is a specific checklist of criteria used.
For purposes of determining who is issued pre-test RQ from Sydney, the information (that which is available to the CIC bureaucrat screening the application, including especially the information in the application itself) is examined and assessed using the criteria which is set out in what is called the File Requirements Checklist. This portion of the FRC, the checklist of risk factors used in the screening, is oft times referred to as the "triage criteria."
The same criteria are also employed again in a pre-interview check and in the interview. The interview screening probably involves more discretionary judgment based on a review of the applicant's documents and the applicant's responses to questions in the interview. But for those who did not receive a pre-test RQ, odds are very good there will be
NO post-interview RQ unless an inconsistency, incongruity, or a specific red flag, comes up in either the pre-interview check (CIC periodically revisits the GCMS check, for example, which includes FOSS, which in turn can include RCMP or U.S. NCIC criminal records in addition to any POE NCB entries, and so on) or in the course of the documents check and interview questioning.
But again,
samreentariq really got the main point exactly right, and it amounts to this: we are who we are, living the lives we live, and all we can really do is to be careful, truthful, accurate, and complete, and if we are qualified, and if need be (if RQ is issued) we have the evidence to back up the fact we are qualified, it will go well.