Hello Comrades! Great stories here, I have been following and reading up on them and its an encouragement. I have been a lurker too( as someone else already said that here before

I'm almost ready to complete my application , i have a few questions to ask, would be great if any of the members can throw some light on it :-
1. Do we need to submit the police certificate along with the application or it can wait till they ask for it?
2. I’m eyeing for Ontario. I chose this province because i have relatives there too. So i have made my business plan around starting the self employment in Ontario. Now my NOC code is somewhat regulated in Ontario, but not in all the other provinces like ; British Columbia.. i have done my research and one can still apply if the NOC code is regulated in a particular province (and start a business once the PR is approved) and then later do a bridging course to continue doing your self employment. So my second question is: Shall i go ahead with Ontario as my preferred location in Business Plan?
Thank you in advance!