Question for folks farther along in the process:
I posted about this separately, but my lawyer has some concerns about our liquid funds vs. net worth and debt in our application. Our net worth is into the 6 figures and I believe I've proven my ability to set up my business once I land (I already own all the necessary equipment and there is very little overhead involved in marketing the way I market).
I'm confused about what they consider when looking at your overall financial fitness for landing. We will have at least $30,000 in available cash for landing. We will no longer have the "debt" of a house or my car, as those will both be sold prior to moving. Do processors care about that, or are they only looking at how things are RIGHT NOW, upon applying?
Do they consider that my husband will be getting a job as well? Or am I expected to be able to support my family 100% with my business?
Can anyone clairfy?