hello i have some questions about security and backround checks...what do they mean?we get for example a police clearance so the can see the applicant has no criminal record.is this the security check?backround check is if someone lived more than 6 months in another country?
about our case i am a little bit confused:
my husband is Turkish and he has only been in Greece for 4 times every time for 10 days just to see me.will they check this too and if yes with what way?what services do they use?
will they also check hıs educatıonal backround?and his working experience?
do u thınk that it will take a lot of time who has just been as a turıst ın another country?
about our case i am a little bit confused:
my husband is Turkish and he has only been in Greece for 4 times every time for 10 days just to see me.will they check this too and if yes with what way?what services do they use?
will they also check hıs educatıonal backround?and his working experience?
do u thınk that it will take a lot of time who has just been as a turıst ın another country?