Hey guys i have created my EE profile. i have one doubt though , its about my husbands education. I am the main applicant and have done the wes evaluation for my degree. Now my husband did complete his bachelors(3 yr prog , 6 sems) but unfortunately he failed in 2 subjects in the final semester(6th sem) , although he does have marksheets for all the semesters he does not have the final degree because he did not clear those 2 subjects. So in that case will my husband have to send his 12th certificates/degrees to wes to verify them ? Also when updating the information in EE profile it asks about my spouse's education so what should we put there - secondary education ? If we do put secondary education in his education history will we have to go through wes for evaluation ? Basically my question is what shall we put in spouse education details with my above mentioned case?