Has anyone experienced the same, that CIC requested for a second RQ and supporting documentations? Here's the situation, in October 2012 CIC sent us a letter requesting us to submit a completed RQ and supporting documents which we have complied and submitted in December 2012 via FedEx and was received 3 days after according to their tracking system.
This month, we have received a letter that to date, they have not received the RQ and the supporting documents they have requested last year and requiring us to submit again. We called and wrote a letter to them saying that we have submitted their RQ requirements in December 2012 and we gave them our airway bill number. We were told that we have to wait for one month and ignore the second letter until they find out what happened to the RQ and documents we have submitted.
This month, we have received a letter that to date, they have not received the RQ and the supporting documents they have requested last year and requiring us to submit again. We called and wrote a letter to them saying that we have submitted their RQ requirements in December 2012 and we gave them our airway bill number. We were told that we have to wait for one month and ignore the second letter until they find out what happened to the RQ and documents we have submitted.