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Saudi PCC - current issues


Aug 14, 2012
Hi all,

So CIC has requested PCC from Saudi Arabia (as I used to live there). Currently, I am living in US. I know this issue has been raised again and again over time and it is very difficult to obtain PCC from Saudi Arabia. And I have read through tons of threads on it. But I was wondering if anyone is facing the same situation as me at this point in time?

Saudi Embassies here in US and Canada has recently changed their rules and do not issue PCCs anymore. They ask us to contact our native embassies for help, which is ridiculous because they can't help and say no.

Moreover, the link to obtaining Saudi PCC from outside saudi arabia on CIC website (cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/mid-east/saudi-arabia.asp)

which is: saudiembassy.net/services/document_regulations.aspx is not valid anymore. I contact every embassy of Saudi here in US and in Ottawa and they say that rules have changed. Their new rules can be found here: saudiembassy.net/files/PDF/Document_Certification_Instruction.pdf.

The problem is that CIC is referring to older link and information that is not valid anymore. I tried to ask to waive PCC one time and they replied back by saying refer to their webpage on how to receive it. I sent another detailed reply to CIC outlining my efforts and asking for waiver again and haven't heard back from them in like a month. Is this a good sign?

I was wondering if anyone else is in the same situation or if anyone can give me any tips on how to deal with it?



Aug 14, 2012
And also what is the definition of "current resident in saudi arabia"? Does holding valid iqama/exit-re-entry visa qualify you as current resident even if you live and work in a different country? Meaning you don't in Saudi anymore, just maybe visit.

How would one approach the Saudi PCC if thats the case?



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Oct 11, 2008
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ryuu said:
And also what is the definition of "current resident in saudi arabia"? Does holding valid iqama/exit-re-entry visa qualify you as current resident even if you live and work in a different country? Meaning you don't in Saudi anymore, just maybe visit.

How would one approach the Saudi PCC if thats the case?

Foreigners in Saudi Arabia with a valid iqama (resident permit ) is current resident there. Not for those work or live outside Saudi Arabia.


Aug 14, 2012
Thanks for the reply Wilson.

So just to be sure, even if I currently have a valid Iqama but DO NOT live/work in Saudi Arabia then I am not considered a resident, right? And I since I live/work in US, I should follow the instructions of CIC for getting Saudi police clearance certificate for people "living outside of Saudi Arabia", right?


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Oct 11, 2008
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According to CIC a person lived in any country for 6 months or more need a PCC from that country. Therefore if you lived in Saudi for 6 months you have to get PCC. But the problem is that Saudi interior ministry don't provide PCC for those who are not currently resident in Saudi Arabia. Canadian embassy also is aware of this fact. Still CIC did not make any exemption for those people previously lived in KSA.

What I suggest is that you should submit a statement that being you are not currently residing in KSA you are unable to obtain Saudi PCC.


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Yes, I too was in the similar situation since I had left Saudi Arabia I was not able to obtain a PCC. What I did was, mailed to the Saudi Embassy to request for a PCC, I attached the request letter from CIC, the Saudi embassy responded to my mail and told me to contact the Indian Embassy in Riyadh, which I did.... The Indian Embassy told me to contact the local passport office as the request should be sent from them.... Contacted the local Passport office, they said they don't have any such procedure!!

To sum it up, I wrote the details of difficulties in obtaining a Saudi PCC from outside that country and attached the email sent to Saudi embassy and their response along with a matrix of the iterative actions I took to the CHC... And thankfully they accepted it and waived it.. But not before sweating it out trying to obtain a Saudi PCC.

Note: I'm not responsible and can't guarentee a similar outcome for cases where applicants may be asked for a Saudi PCC. The above mentioned details are my personal experience, however CIC's decesion may differ and depend on a case-to-case basis.

ryuu said:
Thanks for the reply Wilson.

So just to be sure, even if I currently have a valid Iqama but DO NOT live/work in Saudi Arabia then I am not considered a resident, right? And I since I live/work in US, I should follow the instructions of CIC for getting Saudi police clearance certificate for people "living outside of Saudi Arabia", right?


Aug 14, 2012
Thank you all for the replies. I am going to prepare a similar statement and submit it and hopefully God willing they will waive the pcc requirement.


Star Member
Aug 19, 2017
Thank you all for the replies. I am going to prepare a similar statement and submit it and hopefully God willing they will waive the pcc requirement.
i am in the similar situation. can you tell mw if you were able to get your KSA pcc waived off?