
Can we write Russian here or it's prohibited ?
Why did you apply 3 times already?
I've posted my urgent question yesterday,may be you now the answer for my Q.I'm just copying it here:
I'm the RP.Chemist.25 years old.married
The process was very quick.
21 dec 2010 - sent the 1st envelope
04 jan 2011 - accuse
19 jan 2011 - invitation for the interview
17 mar 2011 - successfully passed the interview
Now,we are waiting for medical forms.
Tryed a lot to find out the answer to my question,but cannot
Now I would really like to get divorced.I know, you will probably tell me that it is better to wait and to finish the process till the end,and do land...
But I cannot rely on my husband anymore.He is just taking my time,playing my nurves,changing his mind every week.Sometimes he want to go,sometimes not.I'm afraid that when it will be the time to pass the medical test,he will refuse,or he will refuse later when we will need to send the passports for visas.
My main question is:If now I will inform that we are getting divorced and provide the necessary papers ...What will they do with me?
My score is good enough for going by myself,because of the chemistry,age and work experience.
Is there a chance that they will ask me to start over the whole process???
I don't think I have lots of energy for getting ready for the interview again...
Please,I would like to hear any kind of info)
Thank you in advance