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RQ despite all documents submitted with citizenship application


Hero Member
Oct 7, 2014
eileenf said:
There is zero evidence that sending extra documents triggers RQ. That said, there is no evidence that it helps either.
i believe all extra documents, especially if are consistent, are discarded at triage stage when application is received and only required documents are filled and moved to next stage.
So, sending extra documents is useless.


Champion Member
May 23, 2013
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era1521 said:
i believe all extra documents, especially if are consistent, are discarded at triage stage when application is received and only required documents are filled and moved to next stage.
So, sending extra documents is useless.
OK, but can you please supply the source of that information? Did you read it on the CIC website? Hear it from a citizenship officer?


Hero Member
Aug 16, 2014
To provide below statement, one must be high or drunk... Please avoid posting anything when you are not in your righteous mind...
We are trying to make this forum useful with candid postings (and those may be right or wrong)... But they are candid and we put some thought into it.

Nothing is farther from the truth than the below statement...

jhjeppe said:
It's because of errors like these that they have to implement crazy procedures like RQ's.


Hero Member
Oct 7, 2014
alphazip said:
OK, but can you please supply the source of that information? Did you read it on the CIC website? Hear it from a citizenship officer?
No, but i can read the guideline and list with required documents. Anyway, if you want to argue you need a suitcase with documents with initial application, feel free to do it. But phrase it like "its definitely not required, but i do believe and its on your own choice that ...."

Most of these people around here read opinions like yours and others, put a lot effort in collecting documents (pay translation, xerox copies), cant sleep nights thinking maybe they missed something and end up receiving RQ.

Its a shame, where the instructions are very clear.


Champion Member
May 23, 2013
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jhjeppe said:
If you can't even follow a simple instruction (it clearly states in the application guide to NOT send any information that is not requested), how can they expect you to be a responsible citizen?
Contributors to this forum, such as dpenabill and Senorita Bella, have admitted that they sent more documents than were requested. So, are you saying that we can't expect them to be responsible citizens?

Statements like this are just ridiculous.


Hero Member
Oct 7, 2014
This argument is never ending. And its not for people like me who only say to follow the guideline and send only what is required.
I feel very sorry for this poor guy who started this thread and sent all extra documents, so called supportive documents in his view, sent them all at others recommendation and now he received the RQ. Can you imagine his disappointment. And probably those to friends of him say, you know, it helped me. What a crap!


Champion Member
May 23, 2013
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era1521 said:
This argument is never ending. And its not for people like me who only say to follow the guideline and send only what is required.
I feel very sorry for this poor guy who started this thread and sent all extra documents, so called supportive documents in his view, sent them all at others recommendation and now he received the RQ. Can you imagine his disappointment. And probably those to friends of him say, you know, it helped me. What a crap!
There is no need for an argument. All a person needs to do is follow the directions. If he has a special situation that he thinks will be helped by including extra documents, do so. If not, don't. I don't think (and that's just a guess, as is everything that doesn't come from an official source) that a person's application is harmed by including extra documents, though apparently you do. In fact, I think some extra documents can be helpful. Take NOAs, for example. Apparently, they will be required when the new rules go into effect (only the years a person files a tax return will count), so how can it hurt to include them now? How about cover letters? There's no mention of them in the instructions, yet many people seem to include them, especially if they have something that needs to be explained.

As to the OP, there are three possibilities: 1) he was destined to receive an RQ, no matter what, or 2) he got a lazy citizenship officer, who simply sent out an RQ without reading the attached documents, or 3) the documents didn't answer the specific questions the officer wanted answered. You might say he got an RQ because he included extra documents, and I might say he did not, but they're both just guesses. The fact is that we don't know the specifics of the case, so we can't say why he got an RQ.


Hero Member
Oct 7, 2014
alphazip said:
There is no need for an argument. All a person needs to do is follow the directions. If he has a special situation that he thinks will be helped by including extra documents, do so. If not, don't. I don't think (and that's just a guess, as is everything that doesn't come from an official source) that a person's application is harmed by including extra documents, though apparently you do. In fact, I think some extra documents can be helpful. Take NOAs, for example. Apparently, they will be required when the new rules go into effect (only the years a person files a tax return will count), so how can it hurt to include them now? How about cover letters? There's no mention of them in the instructions, yet many people seem to include them, especially if they have something that needs to be explained.

As to the OP, there are three possibilities: 1) he was destined to receive an RQ, no matter what, or 2) he got a lazy citizenship officer, who simply sent out an RQ without reading the attached documents, or 3) the documents didn't answer the specific questions the officer wanted answered. You might say he got an RQ because he included extra documents, and I might say he did not, but they're both just guesses. The fact is that we don't know the specifics of the case, so we can't say why he got an RQ.
I'm not saying he got the RQ because he sent extra documents; I'm only saying its useless to send any extra documents with initial application, because your may have to double the effort.
Send only what is required and have ready everything else.
Beside that, its also a matter of self-confidence; if send everything at beginning and still get the RQ you get disappointed; really disappointed.
If you dont send any additional documents, but have everything ready and get the RQ, you'll feel satisfaction because you took all the precautions and did not catch you on the wrong foot.
If you have everything ready, but aint get an RQ, at least take a comfort in thinking you were prepared for anything.

What would you prefer to happen with your application?


Champion Member
May 23, 2013
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era1521 said:
I'm not saying he got the RQ because he sent extra documents; I'm only saying its useless to send any extra documents with initial application, because your may have to double the effort.
Send only what is required and have ready everything else.
Beside that, its also a matter of self-confidence; if send everything at beginning and still get the RQ you get disappointed; really disappointed.
If you dont send any additional documents, but have everything ready and get the RQ, you'll feel satisfaction because you took all the precautions and did not catch you on the wrong foot.
If you have everything ready, but aint get an RQ, at least take a comfort in thinking you were prepared for anything.

What would you prefer to happen with your application?
Yes, but you're saying it's "useless" and "all extra documents...are discarded at triage stage" without any facts to back those statements up. No one else (that I know of) has ever claimed that some of what a person submits as part of their application ends up in a garbage can. However, I do agree that applicants should be proactive in gathering documents (provincial health care history, etc.) in case they do receive some form of RQ.


Star Member
Jul 23, 2007
arambi said:
To provide below statement, one must be high or drunk... Please avoid posting anything when you are not in your righteous mind...
We are trying to make this forum useful with candid postings (and those may be right or wrong)... But they are candid and we put some thought into it.

Nothing is farther from the truth than the below statement...
Jeez Arambi,
You are actually guilty of what you are accusing of someone of, perhaps more guilty . . .


Star Member
Jul 23, 2007
Writing from my personal experience, my situation is a very definite example of application that attracts RQ. I moved from USA, worked there within the last 4 years of application and have lots of land travels, only 1 by air. No stamp on my 2 passports and family in the USA. I decided to stick to the checklist on the application and stayed away from sending other documents - I figured that the guys in Sydney may likely be some clerks that have to stick to the checklist, so any additional document may not only confuse them, it may piss them off with your application i.e. more document to sort through before they can check of there list of expected documents.

To my surprise, I did not get an RQ and as expected at the interview, I was grilled verbally mostly about my intent to stay here, the officer refused to look at any evidence that I have gathered for months in expectation of RQ. She said she has to confirm my trips with CBSA, to which I told her the report will not be accurate as I was waived in several times, she told me that I was worrying about her job and that checking the entries is one of the easiest part of the process . . .

Its unfortunate this guy got an RQ, but and this is my opinion, when you are trying to defend stuff needlessly, then there is a red flag. I did not know the volume of what this person sent, but I guess one CIC worker just looked at it and thought, what is this guy trying to hide? Remember they expect all application to be fraudulent.


Hero Member
Jul 16, 2010
@whiz - Which RQ form were you asked to fill in ? CIT 171 ?

Why is RQ so dreadful?
Applicants are not afraid of providing additional documentation or explanation asked in the RQ, however, they are scared of the unexplained wait period of 24 to 36 months after providing the RQ response.
CIC does not provide any updates to the applicant during this period. CIC does not provide any details of the process on they handle the RQs on their website. Only thing an applicant do is search forums to relate its RQ case, pray Him and wish to be lucky!
In this world of Information revolution (mobile, twitter, facebook, etc) where the information flows in seconds across the world, the applicants cannot live with the anxiety that CIC keeps them refrained from the update for months and years, and prefer a black boxed system. Such system may not even exist in the third world from where most of the applicants have immigrated.
After trying to do reforms in last one year or so, CIC has not provided any update on how may RQed cases have been cleared? How is the RQ backlog moving overall? What can the RQed applicants expect in next few months? Could it be CIC's inability or ignorance to be really effective towards their own process?


Hero Member
Aug 19, 2014
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oct 23, 2014
sapguru said:
@ whiz - Which RQ form were you asked to fill in ? CIT 171 ?

Why is RQ so dreadful?
Applicants are not afraid of providing additional documentation or explanation asked in the RQ, however, they are scared of the unexplained wait period of 24 to 36 months after providing the RQ response.
CIC does not provide any updates to the applicant during this period. CIC does not provide any details of the process on they handle the RQs on their website. Only thing an applicant do is search forums to relate its RQ case, pray Him and wish to be lucky!
In this world of Information revolution (mobile, twitter, facebook, etc) where the information flows in seconds across the world, the applicants cannot live with the anxiety that CIC keeps them refrained from the update for months and years, and prefer a black boxed system. Such system may not even exist in the third world from where most of the applicants have immigrated.
After trying to do reforms in last one year or so, CIC has not provided any update on how may RQed cases have been cleared? How is the RQ backlog moving overall? What can the RQed applicants expect in next few months? Could it be CIC's inability or ignorance to be really effective towards their own process?
totally agree.


Hero Member
Aug 16, 2014
jhjeppe said:
You are kinda a tard, aren't you?

My wife is a intake officer for CIC... So my information is pretty accurate...
So, now that you have embarrassed yourself... is there anything else you want to add?
Please don't get your wife into this... I have a lot of respect for women (your wife included)... And I don't think she will agree with you...try to run this by her... Believe me she will not be proud of you.

PS. You sound like a very angry man...


Hero Member
Sep 3, 2010
London, ON
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I think through cases like this the CIC is trying to send a clear message to future applicants: dumping us with documents won't guarantee you RQ-free processing ! Whether you like this message and act based on it or not is up to you. But this is how it works. Your smart acts and smarter arguments won't change it.