Yes you a clue is what I've seen from Dec 2012 to Aug2013:
"4.Your file was transferred to the
St.Clair office on XXX, 2010. The
StClair office will contact you if additional information is required. The
StClair office will contact you regarding your citizenship test once all the necessary checks on your file are complete. "
This is what I've seen BEFORE Dec2012 (since I submitted my applic) until Dec 2012 and magically

AFTER Sept 2013. Same message, but different home center....loool
"4.Your file was transferred to the
Mississauga office on XXX, 2010. The Mississauga office will contact you if additional information is required. The
Mississauga office will contact you regarding your citizenship test once all the necessary checks on your file are complete."
This messages in ECAS are most likely limited (probably 6-7-10max ID messages) based on some sort of ID codes. THe ID code is merged with office where is actually present your file.
Once the file was relocated to St Clair the message changed with word "St Clair" as home office, this was not true coz my home office was always Missi, sound like a software bug... but is a clue where your file is actually than after processing in St Clair and returned back to Missi in Sept this year was re-updated with my real home office Missi, so when I draw the conclusion that my file was re-transfered back to Missi so word "Missi" showed up againin ECAS the meessage was updated back wiith my home center!!!!. I have to admit the ECAS is waaay behind the times, very primitiv but is something than nothing.
This is a front office application interogating their internal database, as far as I know was not updated since StClair start processing all GTA applications, maybe their IT/ SW Developement Dpt should start defining more ID codes for progress status, this will eliminate many hours spent by call center ops and for users at least they can follow with more ganularity their progress status...or why not to disclose some of the ATIP records available online, I am pretty sure that the 5bucks fee is not an issue for everyone. Frustration occures due lack of progress status, hours spent to get a live voice on their call center, than build-ul pressure to CIC "free of charge", with a minimal investment to SW developers lots of problems could be put back on two cents