Hi Everyone, I have cleared CPNRE exam and all required fields in my RPN application except Evidence of practice. Did anyone take the course suggested by CNO or any idea how long will it takes to finish the course. Thank you
Hi Everyone, I have cleared CPNRE exam and all required fields in my RPN application except Evidence of practice. Did anyone take the course suggested by CNO or any idea how long will it takes to finish the course. Thank you
You dont need to do a course to fill the gap in evidence of practice. You can just go backhome and work for few months there and get done with “ evidence of practice” requirement.
You dont need to do a course to fill the gap in evidence of practice. You can just go backhome and work for few months there and get done with “ evidence of practice” requirement.
Hi dear, I started my nnas in oct 2018. In feb 2019, i went backhome and worked there. I was not aware that i can update my nnas in between as well, because my nnas report was issued in oct 2019. Should i update that information with CNO now or not? Please advise. I already passed my nclex, permitted by cno. The only requirement outstanding is evidence of practice.