Hi, I'm newly married and my wife and I are beginning the process of me sponsoring her to come to Canada. We met online in December 2012, soon began talking to each other online every day, and met in person for the first time in February 2013. We met again in person in May of 2013. We just got married on February 8th 2014 here in the Philippines and I have to go home and back to work on March 6th :'( Anyway, we don't really have phone records to submit as we mostly talk to each other through skype and facebook when we're apart. After the second time we were together, a whole bunch of our chat logs get really racy and sexual in nature
I'm just wondering how much of this should we censor out and how much should we include. Anyone else have to make this decision? It might help our relationship look genuine, but I don't really want to give the V.O a full collection of penthouse letters either lol.