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Reg. WES of Education Certificate @South Gujarat University

Apr 23, 2018
Hello Everyone, i had completed my graduation from South Gujarat University, i have my degree certificate as well transcript which is issued by my college and verified by my university Surat five years back. So here my questions are:- 1) Again i have to apply freshly for getting transcripts ???
2) Transcripts should be issued from university or college???

3) in WES site its has been mentioned that do not send original copy of Degree certificate, so what kindly of documents i have to send them.

kindly reply for above queries,

Apr 21, 2018
1) No need for fresh transcripts. I recently used my 6 years old transcripts and I got my wes report.

2) You need to check on wes website for your college how they want transcripts. If your marksheets are issued by Uni then you need to send marksheets attested by University registrar. If they are issued by college then college's registrar need to attest those.

3) DO NOT SENT ANY ORIGINALS. Just attested copies of all docs.(again see point 2 to decide on from where to get attestation)