Hi I’m just expressing my opinion with regards to sp+sowp. I don’t keep tabs on statistic of application and i don’t even have a spouseOkay. Do you know the latest statistics on applicants who are applying for an open work permit for their spouses are getting approved or not?
and if they apply for the open work permit after their spouse landing in Canada as a student, is there any chance of refusal. Can they deny not to give visa to Spouse and keep them separated? One in Canada and another back home?
For me its illogical for them to issue SOWP when the principal applicant “student” will be studying online outside Canada. SP+SOWP is allowing a couple together while in Canada. If SP cannot come to Canada theres no use of SOWP. Unemployment is still high there and issuing more SOWP will make things harder for Residents/Canadians looking for jobs.