Lois Lane and all others contributors
Thank you for your words, Lois Lane your case and my case are same so plz keep us in update whatever happens in your case and all the process through you are going, My wife already get deep frustrated and she get stress from all this visa process.
a brief background of our relationship i want to share i met my wife December 7,2003.during our relationship i applied 2 times to visit her once in 2005 and then 2007 both the times they refused my application because i can not satisfied my close ties with my home country that i will return ,in reality i had no intention to stay in Canada as i was student at that time i really had to return.
since December 7,2003 i have proof of contact because she writes me every month a love letter and thousand of emails and thousands of pages of chat logs money transfers gifts exchanges but these proofs were not enough for visa officer, the lady who was my interviewer she was a Pakistani woman i guess and she was pretty satisfied from my answers and she kept all the proofs and i answered almost every question of her.
but its surprise on refusal letter name of visa officer is someone else i guess who Sr.Visa officer i guess and in refusal letter it is stated that in the light of my interview communication they come to know that relationship is not genuine, that is very surprising for me where interview takes effect on case or not because in my view they refuse case even before interview red flags in case file it shows case will be refused 99.99 percent i believe so all other the proofs hard work running after things will not bother anything it means we have to face the harsh process of appeal.
well Lois Lane what was the reason in file could you please share with me as they said in my file
section 4, that relationship is primary for acquiring Permanent resident status in Canada.
my wife decided to come Pakistan on this April and it make me deep happy sometime we have little concerns about the security conditions of Pakistan i am stressed too i went to doctor he said i have big burden of stress same situation is with my wife.
Lois Lane keep us in update plz your case is sooner in march i pray very much that inshallah you win the case because all the marraiges are not fake i do understand the concerns of visa officers about the relationships sometimes they think their refusal can help sponsor's future if applicant is the person who want to take advantage of the sponsor but in current situation in most of the cases sponsor suffering more in appeal and all the running process in our condition we have to take life risks to prove our relationship my wife's trip to Pakistan is not less than any life risk my wife explained in letter to MP about our situation but a very good response not come from them as we still keep hopes from them.
my wife was telling me that her situation will be like a refugee she sent emails to NHCR who works on refugee no response come from them, finally i come to know visa officers and appeal panels have the pen to write our future and our life decisions other ways to find the peace or hopes are not so reliable unless Media or any person who has source highlight the problems in political way otherwise they not even bother no matter how much hardships we will have in our life.
nothing new now i come to know everywhere same rules and same problems common person can not do anything...justice has been taken away from this world