@Faisalkhan555 today I got this email as a response of my webform and call..
Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
We verified the information you provided. In order to request urgent processing, we require further information.
Therefore, we invite you to resubmit your request by filling out the IRCC Webform and choose Certificate of Identity/Refugee Travel Document in the drop-down menu under the heading Enquiry. Please include the following information:
Surname and complete given name (including middle name, if applicable) - exactly as they appear on the passport or identity document,
Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD),
Client ID Number, UCI or Application Number,
Country of birth,
(mandatory) The reason for the urgency,
(mandatory) Your estimated travel date,
(if applicable) The date on which the application was submitted to IRCC,
(if applicable) The mailing method (courier, Canada Post (registered or regular mail), etc.),
company used,
tracking number, and
Your previous request.
Once we receive the above information, we will gladly forward it to the responsible office.
We hope the information provided is helpful in assisting you with your enquiry.