Lol. If YOU took the time out to read his post, he recommended not travel until you get your card. He didn't say
you can't, he said
don't. I think the common sense you have, you can understand the difference between those words right?

but hey reading and understanding is "just a little bit of common sense" that YOU and I and others on the forum lack from time to time. or simple misunderstandings might be the answer. Like you just showed yourself

so yes "he didn't say you can't travel" he said "
just remember that to get back to Canada you absolutely need your pr card so DONT travel "before getting it" so why don't you go back and read it again and use common sense I think you have

.I know what RTD is used for travel document in the name

and I know PR card is just to get into Canada or can be used for ID. And you just did what he did.
You are free to travel and go about as a protected person and even after PR... The only reason why people suggest "it's better not to travel until citizenship" it's because that's what they are concerned about the more you travel, the longer before you can apply. Being questioned or repetitive backgrounds check only happen depending on where you traveled and also the agent you may run across, nothing with being a protected person and traveling.
If that is what you are implying that is. I know persons personally who travel ALOT as claimants, protected persons, and PR, and no issues and they are all citizens now... and just like how he wasn't entirely wrong. you aren't entirely right. as for the CIC Link it can also be for PR holders
are protected persons with their national passport who uses it to travel. As I said he wasn't
entirely wrong just parts of the statement didn't strictly apply to protected people with Pr.. and yes i said hassle vs denial. As a PR now, depending on the type of form it gives you a list to select for your immigration status. I doubt people will be selecting conventional refugees or protected persons anymore. So I am saying
if you select that you are PR and
if they ask for documentation supporting your immigration status if you have your pr Card it might be less of a hassle or could avoid potential delays...
Preciate the snarky and sarcastic reply

, Bye now.
P.s. No need to respond. It's above me now lol.